Basilisk anime akeginu
Basilisk anime akeginu

basilisk anime akeginu

Character Exaggeration: Kagerou's jealousy was quite accentuated in the anime.But He Sounds Handsome: Saemon is prone to doing this.Break the Haughty: Tenzen's fifth and FINAL death.The former Shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu, also counts, what with the disturbingly scrotum-like swollen growth hanging under his chin. Body Horror: Many of the ninjas on both sides are quite freakish looking.In the anime, Gyoubu's backstory was a painful, cruel dose of this.Bodyguard Crush: Koshirou for Oboro and Kagerou for Gennosuke.Bloody Murder: Akeginu of the Iga Tsubagakure group not only is extremely seductive as well as deadly with her trusty tanto dagger, but she can also control her own blood, secreting it out of her pores to blind or tag her opponents or create a sort-of mist as she mixes it with the air in her surroundings.He taught disciple Gennosuke to also fight without his eyes. Blindfolded Vision: Hyoma keeps his eyes closed at all times because he possess the Dojitsu, an ability that could kill anyone he makes eye contact with.Being ninjas, they will use these same abilities to kill their enemies. Hyouma has a doujutsu that can kill people by looking at them, but he is unable to turn it off. If Kagerou ever has sex with someone, they will die. Blessed with Suck: A few of the ninjas in Basilisk have powers that adversely affect their lives.He fits much more in the anime's backstory, where he's in his late teens/very early 20's. Hyouma, though he's more of a biseinen since he's older than both of them.The latter is even described as 'very handsome' in the original novel's character sheet. And even before this, the Kougas knew that doing something bad to Okoi was a Bad Idea. Big Brother Instinct: When Okoi was tortured and killed by the Iga, her older brother Saemon threw himself fully and furiously into the Iga/Kouga feud.Beware the Nice Ones: Lots, but most notably Udono Jousuke and Saemon Kisaragi.Insisting that it would be a shame if someone like her were to ever smell of blood. In the flashback episode, Yashamaru actually discourages her from EVER taking part in a battle. But the show never lets us see them actually fighting as a team. Battle Couple: Hotarubi and Yashamaru must have been one.Though, given the series, that isn't saying much. Attempted Rape: Lots of it, they are usually an good indicator that someone (either victim or perpetrator) is about to die.Arachnid Appearance and Attire: Shogen Kazamachi has a decidedly spider-like appearance, as he has elongated limbs, a tongue that spits out webbing and six markings on his forehead that makes it look as though he has additional eyes.From the gentlest to the meanest characters, almost all of them have their days numbered. A Day in the Limelight: One episode focuses on the goings-on with the Shogun and the nobility, showing that things are getting pretty bad behind the scenes as well, to the point that both noble houses are actually staging regular assassination attempts on the opposing house's heir.Adaptation Title Change: Basilisk is based on the 1958 novel The Kouga Ninja Scrolls.

basilisk anime akeginu

The anime expands considerably on it as well. The same goes for the novel the manga/anime is based on.The anime in itself follows the manga rather closely but gives more room for Character Development, also expanding the backstories of several characters (particularly Gyoubu).Or girls participating in a deadly contest against their loved ones.Actor Allusion: It's not the first time Nana Mizuki voices a ninja.

Basilisk anime akeginu